Environmental Performance
Flute Developers’s Environmental Policy is intended for managing environmental and social risks of its operations. As a microfinance institution, it is committed to comply with national legislation related to lending by microfinance institutions. It has lending guidelines which sets standards to limit the impact of its lending operations on the environment. It implements the guidelines in three levels, namely: management of environmental impact in lending; internal standards of environment management; and promotion of eco-products.
Flute Developers’s Social Performance Management (SPM) Policy emphasizes commitment in achieving positive contributions to the society by balancing not only financial and social returns but also environmental impact. The policy embodies guiding principles in avoiding potential impacts of lending operations and other interventions to clients, employees, environment, community, and shareholders. Flute Developers has a specific policy with an objective to avoid, and when avoidance is not possible, to minimize and mitigate adverse impacts of subprojects on the environment and affected people and maximize the environmental and social benefits.
Besides the existing policy, Flute Developers has taken steps towards supporting better environmental practices through activities like training school children on environment through external consultant, and conducting of Anti Plastic awareness sessions for employees.